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Taking that leap


Today, I did it. I took the leap. My heart nearly exploded when I said the words out loud - I WANT THIS KILN. There was no hesitation. Dear Lord, I hope it was You telling me to DO IT!

I never dreamed that two short weeks after electricity was ran to the shed, ahem, excuse me, THE STUDIO, that I would have a kiln. I really thought it would be about a year before I'd be calling the electrician asking for that special plug to be installed. But here I am, the proud, and terrified owner of a used (barely) Skutt 1027. Isn't she lovely?!?

I pick her up Sunday. How shall I ever wait that long? Patience is a virtue for a reason, right? But that's three days from now!!!!! Okay, deep breath, I can do this......... oh, who are we kidding, I am scared shitless.

What on earth have I done?!? It has a kiln sitter, but not an electronic panel. I don't know anything about kilns. There's not even any space in the shed. And really, it is only a shed with 220 ran to it. It doesn't even have heat, so where am I going to store glazes? where will I put the kiln shelves when they're not in use? And cones. How do I use cones?!? ACK!

Oh, but look at her. Isn't she lovely? Maybe I'll name her Lovey.....

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