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Big Bertha


Well, Big Bertha has survived her trial by fire and was captured lounging on my dining room table one night last week.

Her sister, Large Marge, has gone to her final trial, and will soon join Bertha once more. The newest members of the family, Fatty Patty, and Tremendous Tina will soon be following in their sister's footsteps. The two males of the bunch, Hulking Henry and Great Nate are still just a twinkle in my eye. It has been six months since I started on this journey at my niece's request. The full commission is for two small and four large ruffled bowls and two large ruffled trays for her wedding reception. Why ruffled?

Well, her wedding dress is ruffled, and we decided the table would look cool if it was dressed in a complementary style...... I'm still wondering what I was thinking, taking on such a huge (literally!) undertaking for my first commission, but it also being for such a momentous occasion.

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