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Your identity is simple.....if you're in the wrong place, stay.

You are not what you do. Your value isn’t decided by a number on the tag in the back of your jeans, your profession or by your roles: career woman, wife, mom, sister, friend, etc. Those are gifts you have, traits you exhibit. But they don’t define the core of your being. You aren’t the sum of your mistakes or the messed-up identity you once wore. Your identity is simple. It’s clear. It’s beautiful. ~Logan Wolfram "...if you're in the wrong place, stay...... this is still better." ~Lee Burningham, introducing James Watkins’s recent 2016 NCECA session.

We've read over and over, and been told over and over, that after content, one of the actions that makes a blog successful is doing it. Consistently. Regularly. In yoga, this is called showing up. When you don't want to get on the mat, when you don't want to go to work, when you don't want to cook dinner, simply show up, and see what happens.

Now, don't get me wrong, I want to be here. I wouldn't have created a blog if I didn't. What I'm saying is, even when you don't think you have anything to say, simply show up, and see what happens. So many wonderful things come into your life every day that seemingly have no correlation, but if you are open, and look, and pay attention, the messages that come to you throughout the day weave the most incredible tapestry. Take the two quotes that have fallen in my lap this morning. Seemingly unconnected, right? But please, assimilate them, and pause a moment.

You're not the sum of your mistakes. If you think you're in the wrong place, just stay, because this is so much better. Your identity is simple. It is clear. It is beautiful.

Stop second guessing yourself, stop dwelling on the bad wedge job, the fact that for some stupid reason you can't center today, and the air bubbles. Pause and sink into this moment and let the grace come. Listen to the hum of the wheel until you find your identity. It's clear. It's simple. You're beautiful.

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